
Did it make my teeth immediately whiter? Yes, it sure did.


How do you obtain said dazzling smile without spending hours in the dentist chair or using whitening products containing potentially harmful chemicals or additives? You call on Carbon Coco.


I have crazy sensitive teeth, and Carbon Coco doesn't bother me at all. Plus results are instant and it takes 3 minutes to use.


I really like this product and have noticed subtle changes in my smile, so I've continued to use it.

-Huffington Post

this is a great product that works quickly and efficiently. I would recommend this to anyone who is tired of the awful whitening creams and strips that taste like crap and don't always work.

I saw results the first time I used it and I'm curious to see the difference after using it for a week, or even a month. It doesn't really taste like anything, so don't be grossed out by its color or texture.


I keep my smile beaming with activated charcoal tooth polish by Carbon Coco.

-Huffington Post

We used the Activated Charcoal Tooth Polish followed by the Activated Charcoal Toothpaste and let’s just say the results were worth smiling about. We had brighter, whiter teeth in as little as three days, no joke.

A complete natural teeth-cleaning system that eliminates bacteria, strengthens enamel, freshens the breath and whitens the teeth—no chemicals, no UV rays, no problem.


you’ll be rewarded with a sparkling white smile after the first go.


We all want that perfect, white smile — but getting regular treatments at the dentist can be costly, not to mention uncomfortable. All those chemicals can be irritating, so natural methods are always preferable; enter Carbon Coco!


If you're on the quest for the whitest of white teeth like me, I suggest you give Carbon Coco's Activated Charcoal Tooth Polish a try.

It delivers on its promises of cleaning your teeth to the fullest.

- Sweetyhigh.com

For such an easy and painless process, I am pleased with the results. My teeth have visibly whitened after around two and a half weeks, so I’ll continue to use it.

If you’ve got sensitive teeth and you’d like to whiten them naturally, I’d definitely recommend you try out this product and see what it can do for you.


You look like an extra from The Grudge while brushing, as your entire mouth goes black. It also gives good whitening results – perf for when you want your teeth whiter for a night out or the weekend.

-Fashion Journal

Is This the Holy Grail of DIY Teeth Whitening? Could this be a contender for the best DIY teeth whitener out there? Staying committed to natural ingredients doesn't make the effects any less powerful.
